Thursday, April 18, 2013


Education is the key to success.
This saying is way cliche but it is true. I though before I would not run to this saying but surprisingly, it's the first thing that buzzes me before our graduation day.
We all have different ways of understanding it, or how we put meaning of the phrase, as for me, I take it in a literal and figurative way.
I am really happy that I have graduated and I have returned (half of it) the sacrifices my parents gave up just to make sure I studied in a good school, I have a nice and comfortable room to study and money to pass through the miscellaneous the school asks everyday. Though we are not that wealthy (financially), we were able to surpass the trials that time and faith brought us, and we hope that God will continue His guidance.

Enough with the drama, I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to ALL THE PARENTS, GUARDIANS, SPONSORS, and GRADUATES who made it. GRADUATES of 2013, WELCOME TO THE UNEMPLOYED WORLD (This goes to college graduates ;)
I really could not believe that I could climb up the stage with my parents.

Proud parents.

With Sheila

With Lady

With co-Blogger (chos Co Blogger jud?) Emmerey

Co-blogger Shanice


Marjoree and Cham

HighSchool Never Ends.

To my pretty and Brainy Friends. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF US.
Amazingly, everyone of us, the people I am close with in College were awarded as Cum Laude, except for Nice, who is really brainy and her intelligence is above average, she's the College Valedictorian. 

Again, Congratulations everyone.


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