Friday, March 30, 2012


Sometimes, those person who is good and bubbly on approaching you is the same person that secretly back stab you, and could really lower your self esteem.
Maaaan, that's really harsh!
I mean, I've experienced things like this:
I couldn't believe she is/was the person whom I thought she couldn't be. But sadly, what you always believe is different from reality.
I expect that she would help me, HELP US, but she is helping us by pushing hard things to us and making the lives of a simple person, complicated.
Yesterday, I saw that person, I even waved at her, and she does the same thing. REALLY?!
How could you be so pretentious? and plastic? and just being MEAN?
I don't understand why there are people, trying to be friendly, when honestly, they are not.they cannot. and they will never be. They can be friendly on the outside, I mean, they can easily smile at you, but deep inside, they're tearing you apart.
#Looks are really deceiving.

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