Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The first time I've tasted the said title. 
yeah, it's the FIRST TIME baby.
Okay, so my sister really wanted to run a food blog, that was on my list too, but I prefer most on online journals, so okay, there it is, and she's looking for delizioso foods that would be her victim, and tad-aahhh! 
Surprise! Surprise! We ain't no Bicolano, but we are trying our best to cook their specialty.
What comes in your mind if you hear this word?
This would be the picture of the ideal Bicol Express.
Well anyway, regarding with  the question, the what comes in your mind if you hear Bicol Express, mine is, 'ohhhhhhhhh!yummy, that oozing hot flavored food, I want to eat NOW!' --That's mine, what's yours? :)
So, yesterday, my sister cooked I just helped her with the chili-s.
That is plenty, yes? So here's our recipe:
* Gata ng Niyog.
* Ground Pork ( we only substitute batok ng baboy with Ground Pork)
* Bagoong
* Chili-s
Those were the primary ingredients, without it, it's not Bicol Express. and the rest is just spices! :))) for flavoring.

You can also Google the recipe if you want, and you can also ask me how to do other viand if you want. :))

Le finished product:

Promise, this product was really SPICY. 

the act of eating..

the aftermath, see the sweat? I am not having the oily-face you have in mind, I am just having excessive sweat due to the spicy-ness of what I ate. 'oraaaayt.

Soon, If given a chance, I would really taste a Bicol Express cooked by a veteran chef from Bicol. :))

If you haven't asked, I like spicy foods as much as sour foods. :)

V ♥

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