Saturday, March 31, 2012


Tumblr Random.

Any random post that belongs to me. Since it is the last day of the month, I mean, *coincidentally speaking. xD* So here are some of the random things that my followers cannot see and cannot read. hahahah!

1. The very popular banatera101 message me privately with her banats! :)))
Follow her on T and get hooked with her Banats.

2. The Anon.
Short for Anonymous.I really don't know if who is/was the person behind this Anonymous but if ever she/he will read this one.
Anon: I really want to meet you. :)

that would be a total of 33 anon messages, 2011-2012.

3. Numbers.
This includes how many posts I have posted, followers, drafts and messages.

Never mind for the number of followers. HAHAHA
I feel really good after seeing the number of posts I have, even though majority of which are reblogs. 
aaaannnd for the number of messages, I deleted everything since it was full of bad memories, and I wanted to have a fresh start.

This post was long overdue, it's been 3 months since I created this post, and been here in my drafts; hence, I don't have anything to post right now, a bit of edit, add this and that. then viola! xD

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